Friday, January 24, 2020

We Must Enforce Title IX Essays -- Intercollegiate Athletics

The Civil right Acts of 1964 was originally written to end discrimination based on race, color, national origin, and along the way came Title IX. Title IX as we all know gave equal opportunity for women to participate in sports starting in Elementary schools to colleges or the universities level and almost all schools and colleges receive federal funding. The original intention was never focused on sports. It wasn’t until 1969 when an emerging activist by the name of Bernice Sandler complained to the University of Maryland and many more other universities that women are being treated unfairly, and the inequalities in pay, rank, admissions, and much more. In 1970, â€Å"Sandler joined Representative Edith Green’s Subcommittee on Higher Education and sat in on the congressional hearings where women’s rights were discussed†. It wasn’t in congressional hearing that Green and Sandler proposed Title IX and again, there was very limited mention of sports. The focal point was aiming toward equalities at employment and federally financed institutions. Although, Title IX was officially passed into law on June 23, 1972, many people didn’t fully understand what Title IX and that there were also other people who was against Title IX. President Nixon â€Å"President Nixon directed the now-defunct Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) to carry out this important task.† In wasn’t until 1972 when the HEW published their finalized copy of Title IX and that’s when people had a good understanding of what it truthfully means. This was the step that people have finally have a clear understanding of Title IX and that it would applies to college athletics. Universities were given three years to implements Title IX. Many universities weren’t too happy a... are still being treated unfairly in the school system and are getting the dead end of the deal. Works Cited Priest, Laurie. "The Whole IX Yards: the impact of Title IX: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. " Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal. 12.2 (Fall 2003) Yiamouyiannis, Athena. "The future of Title IX: ensuring success through proactive approaches." Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal 12.2 (Fall 2003) Claussen, Cathryn L. "Female sport participation in America: the effectiveness of Title IX after 35 years." The International Sports Law Journal 3-4 (July-Oct 2007) Reynolds, Gerald. "Further Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Guidance Regarding Title IX Compliance." (2003) "FIFA/Coca-Cola Women's World Ranking." n. pag. Web. 28 Mar 2011. .

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